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Where does Adminer enter your operation?

Get access to a library with thousands of physical or digital products for your business.

Analyze and validate potential successful products based on strategic insights.

Find suppliers, creatives and, with Artificial Intelligence, create copies that sell.

Import products, images and copies found in Adminer straight into your store.

Count on the help of Artificial Intelligence

Validate products with our AI that provides you with traffic from competing stores and supplier reviews. We deliver hot and validated products so you don't waste any more money advertising.

Automatically create copies that convert

With artificial intelligence technology, the CopyAI functionality automatically generates this perfect copy for your product using banks of powerful words and triggering phrases.

Import products directly to your store

Import the products found in Adminer straight to your Shopify store in just a few clicks. Much more practicality when registering and uploading new products.

Organize collections and test mats

Assemble your product belt and manage your store's catalog in a simple and much more practical way. Create collections by niche, organize and structure your processes to create a healthy testing routine.

Take your business to another level

Intelligence and assertiveness to leverage your operation with products that really sell.

Sell more

Boost your orders with the best-selling products. We deliver you the perfect opportunities to expand your business.

Optimize your time

We simplify your product search and automate all the "boring" part so you can focus on what matters, without the need for a team.

Save money

No more wasting money on Facebook tests. We provide you with solid information for you to advertise the right products.

Replace team

Replace team work and leave spreadsheets behind. We organize your processes and deliver you more.

See the opinion of those who already bill with Adminer:

I've been using Adminer here at the company for almost 2 years. It has the best cost-benefit and the highest precision of products, in addition to the support that is excellent. I've already tested other tools but none of them works the same, here the support is different.

Using Adminer in my operation has totally changed the game. Now I can hit winning products much more easily and have a more efficient business where I spend less to test products and I can scale easily.

Adminer and Spyhorus are, today, two tools that are the basis of Dropsmart's operation. We find product opportunities daily, learn strategies and get inspired by creatives. It's hard not to recommend.

Subscribe now and get access to exclusive mentorships

By subscribing now, you have the Adminer Class, a program of continuous classes with specialists in the most varied topics of the digital market, all to help you succeed with your business.

Built for the new generation of entrepreneurs.
We have the ideal plan for you:

Quarterly Billing
Quarterly Billing
Quarterly Billing
Product Mining
Basic Filters
Market analysis
Product Collection
Test Mat
Product Suppliers
Product Page
Product Creative
Product Importer
Premium Library (10K Products Per Day)
Premium Library Preview
15K Views / Month
50K Views / Month
Advanced Filters
Advanced search
Download Creatives
Artificial Intelligence Analysis
Copy Generator
Technology Filter (Shopify, Woocomerce, ...)

Common questions

What is Adminer?
How do I find products through Adminer?
Can I find suppliers with Adminer?
Are the subscriptions monthly?
Made for those who want to fly higher and higher.